Saturday, December 24, 2016

Fuck Christmas

I don't like Christmas.

It doesn't hold any special meaning for me.

Just saying it makes me sound like some fucking cranky old man who's about to start a long rant about Millennial entitlement.

Truth is I fucking hate this holiday.

I hate the commercialism, the bullshit and the despair.

Donald Trump is the fucking president, what the fuck do we have to be merry about?

As for having kindness and generosity, it's better to have that bullshit all year round than to restrict it to a single winter month.

Be kind, be empathetic and caring all year round.

Because seriously, fuck Christmas. 

Thursday, December 1, 2016


Do you ever see someone on the internet who uses the term "triggered" like a dirty word?

Do you ever encounter shit posters who use "ironic" racism in their posts?

Do you ever see an online art gallery full of colorful cartoon animals and then a page later they're using those cute cartoon animals to try and "trigger" people and shame them and so forth?

yeah I really want to kill people like that.

Now I don't have any PTSD or anything approaching a diagnosed mental illness.

Just something about that kind of small minded pettiness makes me puke in my mouth and sours my drink like someone took a piss in it.

These fucking inbred stupid motherfuckers would probably laugh and say that I'm triggered but I have it really easy compared to people who do get triggered.

It's like when you talk to avowed racism, awash with privilege; a true golden child who's born with a silver spoon up their ass and has never experienced any hardship or sacrifice in their miserable fucking lives. You're talking to a festering heap of shit in human form and if you met them you'd drive their fucking teeth into the back of the throat before gouging their eyes out.

I love the internet, I really do. The only thing wrong with the internet is that there are people on it.

And you're lying to yourself if you think that having original thoughts is a bad idea only on the internet; as if people in real life are just balls of sunshine and tolerance.

The internet is full of people and that's what sucks the most about it. And many of those people form clusters of racism, hatred, bigotry; the kind that only people who live in their mother's basement and lecture others that they need to suck up about racism and they're only being ironic HH 88.

Every time I run into these fucking people I get short of breath. And really they can't do as much to me as they might to some other people but fuck them all right up the pooper with a wire brush.

Just fuck them all and their fucking dank (read moldering, disgusting, dirty) memes.

You ignorant, child molesting, lazy, cruel, stupid, dull mother fuckers.