Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Cynicism and cysts

So I know a guy who sees the worst in people.

He's also a Donald Trump voter so I guess he must have a burning hatred of decency and humanity.

Looking at this guy, I realize that I myself see the worst in people and the worst in human behavior and actions.

That said, I'm not a fucking idiot and I really don't see myself as a cynic.

Originally a cynic was someone who tried to see the truth for what it really was. Today it usually means someone who pisses and moans without ever doing anything and whose only response in life to is to see how far they can shove their head up their ass.

The thing is, you can't be optimistic without knowing what the worst people can do. If you're optimistic without knowing you're not an optimist, you're a fucking imbecile.

You can't hope for the best without knowing what's wrong.

I'm optimistic because I have my head on my shoulders instead of up my ass. I can see the best in people because I also know what's their fucking worst.

You can't ever really love someone without seeing them at their shittiest. God knows my wife doesn't look anything like she does with makeup and clothes on.

so wake up, pull your head out of your ass and wipe the shit out of your eyes.

contrary to belief ignorance is not bliss and stupid people are some of the most fucking miserable sacks of crap you'll ever have the displeasure of knowing. 

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